Mentoring & diversity workshop
Really proud to be working in equity and inclusion at the NMNH with amazing colleagues!
This is the our second museum-wide discussion events organized by the Senate of Scientists CDAB (Committee on Diversity, Antiracism, and Belonging) to advance equity and inclusion in NMNH science.
The goal of the program is to have a facilitated group discussion with experienced experts who think and care deeply about mentoring in academic contexts, especially by focusing on career stages and roles that could increase the effectiveness of our museum’s efforts to increase diversity through mentorship. The intent is also to hear about other efforts in this area and think about how our own museum science community might incorporate these useful approaches into our mentorship strategy.
If you want to learn more about our amazing moderator Liz Cottrell (Research Geologist, Curator-in-Charge of Rocks and Ores, and Co-Director of NSF REU Site: NHRE, at NMNH) and panelists follow the links!
Travis York: Director of Inclusive STEM Ecosystems for Equity & Diversity (ISEED) at AAAS;
Julia Fulghum: Director of ADVANCE at UNM and Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at University of New Mexico;
Caroline Solomon: Professor of Biology and Director of the School of Science, Technology, Accessibility, Mathematics and Public Health (STAMP) at Gallaudet University;Sweeney Windchief: Associate Professor of Education at Montana State University;
Tim McCoy: Chair of Mineral Sciences and Curator of Meteorites at NMNH.